UPSC Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2019
Insight and a way forward 2020:
Candidate Details
1. Name
Nithyanandham Bharathidasan
2. Age
3. Marital Status
4. Total attempts in CSE (including this one)
5. Optional Subject
6. Schooling Medium
7. College Medium
College OF Engineering Guindy, B. Tech (IT) English
8. Medium chosen for Mains answers
9. Medium chosen for Interview
10. Home town/city
11. Work-experience if any
Worked at Accenture 2012 - 2015
12.Service preferences (Top-5)
13. Preference for the first states in top-3 zonal cadres.
Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Kerala
Read more About Our Prelims Strategy here at:
Date: 20/02/2019 Afternoon Session.
Who was the chairman of you interview board?
Mr. P K Joshi Sir
How long was the interview?
Board Chairman:
1. Why did I left ur job and came here?
2. Why it rains in North india in winter?
3. How cyclones are formed?
4. How cyclones are named?
5. Name some cyclones?
6. Why we have cyclones in East coast?
Member 2:
1. What is your favourite movie and why?
2. Did u go to park near at Anna university?
3. What makes it special?
4. What did u like there more?
5. What card games do you play?
6. Do you play bluff?
Member 3:
1. Heard of piracy at high sea?
2. How it can be prevented?
3. Does Rajasthan people work harder than Bengal people?
Member 4:
1. Difference between movies taken now and before 20 years?
2. What food do you like?
3. Why chinese food?
4. How IT sector helps in movie?
5. How geography determines food habits of people?
Member 5:
1. How would you use your geography knowledge in improving life of poor people?
2. Why Tamilnadu's Public Delivery system is best in India?
3. How poverty is Defined?
4. Multi dimensions of poverty your opinion?
Thank you Nithyanandham, You May leave now.
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